Eid Milad Un Nabi ( ﷺ )

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 آتا ہے شاہِ حکومت فرض ہے جس کی اطاعت 
   ہر نبی  نے دی بشارت آمدِ شاہِ عرب ( ﷺ ) ہے

The Birth Of Muhammad ( ﷺ ) :

Happily, the birth of the last prophet, Hazrat Muhammad ( ﷺ ) is the most important event in the history of mankind.  They used to recite it and warm their hearts with the warmth of faith.

The Existence Of The Prophet (Peace And Blessings Of Allah Be Upon Him) :

Creation of Noor Muhammadi ( ﷺ )

1. The first stage of the birth of Hazrat Muhammad (ﷺ ) is that he transferred the Prophet ( ﷺ ) from the world of non-existence to the world of existence.

 2.  Revelation of the Enlightenment of Muhammad ( ﷺ ): 

The second stage of the existence of the Holy Prophet ( ﷺ ) is that the light of Mustafa ( ﷺ ) continued to pass from the pure crosses to the pure wombs until it shone from the forehead of Hazrat Abdullah (peace be upon him).  Hazrat Bibi landed on Amna's lap.

 3.  Birth of Muhammad ( ﷺ ): 

Your coming into the world from the pure womb of Hazrat Bibi Amina.

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The Noble Lineage Of The Holy Prophet ( ﷺ ) :

The names of the Prophet ( ﷺ )  His lineage goes back to Hazrat Ismail (AS). 

 Mother of the Prophet ( ﷺ ): Hazrat Amna bint Wahab bin Abdul Manaf bin Zahra.

Birth of Hazrat Muhammad ( ﷺ ) :

The Prophet ( ﷺ ) was happily born on Monday, the twelfth of Rabi al-Awwal.  (Zia-un-Nabi, Volume II)

 According to this, August 20, 570 AD was the fortieth year of the reign of Nowsherawan and the incident took place 50 days after the death of Ashab-e-Fail.

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Prenatal events in the time of the Prophets :

1.  It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet ( ﷺ ) said:  Happened  Then Gabriel (AS) came and he called Azan Allah Akbar twice, Ashhad in La Allah Allah twice, Ashhad in Muhammad Rasoolullah twice.  Gabriel (AS) said that he is the last prophet among his children. 

 2.  Hazrat Ka'b-ul-Ahbar (may Allah be pleased with him) says that Allah Almighty had informed Hazrat Musa (AS) about the time of the visit of Hazrat Muhammad (AS) and Hazrat Musa (AS) had informed his people that when such and such  If the star moves from its place, then that reappearance will be the time of the birth of the Prophet ( ﷺ ).  This knowledge was passed down from generation to generation by the scholars of Israel.

 3.  Bakht Nasr was a famous king in the time of Daniel.  Once Bakht Nasr had a dream but when he woke up he forgot, only remembering that the dream was amazing.  Then he issued a royal order blocking the members of the empire to tell me what dream I had.  The people said, "What can we say?" The king said, "If you do not present the dream within three days, your necks will be blown."  When the news reached Daniel, he said to one of his companions, "Go and tell the king, and I will tell you the interpretation of his dream."  Your colleague submitted that Hazrat Badshahi's temperament is very delicate, if your answer is not according to his nature then you are in danger of being harmed.  He said, "Latkhf ali fan li raba yakhbarni bamashayat min hajati."  When the message reached the king, the king summoned Daniel to his court.  King Bakht Nasr was sitting on the throne with his crown on his head.  This offended the king, but he did not consider it proper to ask in public.  Then he called Daniel in solitude.  The king said, "Why did you not prostrate to me?"  Hazrat Daniel (AS) replied:  He said, "This is my Lord, the Giver of knowledge. It is His command that I should not prostrate to anyone but Him. I feared that if I prostrated to You, He would take away my knowledge, then I would be ignorant before You."  I will go and you will kill me, so I thought it was easier not to prostrate instead of being killed.  I'm glad you did.  Then Hazrat Daniel (PBUH) first narrated the dream and then interpreted it.  You said that in a dream you saw a huge idol whose feet were on the ground but whose head was in the sky. Its upper part was made of gold, its belly was made of silver, its lower part was made of copper and its feet were made of clay.  Suddenly a stone fell from the sky which shattered all the parts of the idol.  Then the stone began to grow until it grew so much and spread everywhere that other things stopped coming.  Interpretation: Idol refers to the prevailing religions and customs and methods of idolatry. Stone refers to the religion of Allah which will eradicate false religions and will spread everywhere.  Then he said, "Allah will send a prophet to my mother. He will eradicate all false religions and ummah. He will purify the truth through this prophet, eradicate falsehood, guide the misguided and give knowledge to those who read it  He will give strength to the weak and honor the weak and help the weak and helpless.

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Umm Qatal bint Nawfal saw Noor Muhammad ( ﷺ ) in the forehead of Hazrat Abdullah (RA) :

Hazrat Abdul Muttalib, after sacrificing 100 camels, grabbed Hazrat Abdullah by the hand and started walking back from the Ka'bah. On the way, a woman from Bani Asad passed by Umm Qatal bint Nawfal.  Be  Hazrat Abdullah said, "I go with my father."  Then the woman said, "I will give you as many camels as have been slaughtered in your ransom. Marry me now."  Hazrat Abdullah said, "I am with my father at the moment and I cannot violate him."

Marriage of Hazrat Abdullah (RA) :

On his return from the Ka'bah, Hazrat Abdul Muttalib brought Hazrat Abdullah to Wahab bin Abdul Manaf bin Zahra and got him married to Hazrat Amna bint Wahab.  When the marriage took place, Hazrat Abdullah came to the first woman Umm Qatal bint Nawfal after three days of marriage with Hazrat Amna.  Then the woman looked at Abdullah's forehead and said, "Have you married a woman since you met me?"  Hazrat Abdullah said, "I have married Amna bint Wahab."  At that time Umm Qatal bint Nawfal said: O Abdullah, I saw a light in your forehead, so I told you to marry me.  But now that Noor Muhammadi (peace be upon him) has come to the fate of Baby Amina, I will not marry you now.

The shining of Noor Mohammadi ( ﷺ ) on the forehead of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib :

It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Ka'b Ihbar (may Allah be pleased with him) that the light of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.  Allah knows best. He is the bestower of the heavens.  When I woke up, I had eye drops and oil in my hair and I was very surprised.  His father took him to the priests of the Quraysh and narrated the whole story. He heard that Allah had commanded the marriage of this young man, so he performed his first marriage with Qila, from whom a son Harith was born.  Then after his death he married Hind bint Amr (Fatima) and Noor Muhammadi ( ﷺ ) came to her and from her womb Hazrat Abdullah was born.  According to the narration, “The ear of Abdul Muttalib Yafuh min Raihat al-Musk al-Akhz and Noor (peace be upon him) means per honor.”

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The Rain Of Mercy Descended With The Blessings Of Noor Mohammadi ( ﷺ ) :

When there was a famine in the Quraysh, they would take Abdul Muttalib's hand and take him to Jabal Shabbir.  He blessed them with rain and mercy.

Transfer of Noor Mohammadi ( ﷺ ) to the womb of Syeda Amina (RA) :

When Allaah intended to create the Holy Prophet ( ﷺ ) from the womb of his mother, Rajab was the night of Jumu'ah.  Let the heavens and the earth know that the light which was a safe and hidden treasure which the Prophet Hadi Akram (AS) was to give birth to has passed into his mother's womb tonight, his elemental body will be completed and  He will come to the world as a herald and warner for the people. 

 Hazrat Abu Hurayrah narrates from his father that Amna bint Wahab, the mother of the Holy Prophet ( ﷺ ) saw in her dream that she was told that she was pregnant with the leader of all the worlds and Khairul Barid, so when she was born  Name them Ahmad and Muhammad ( ﷺ ) and keep your status secret.

 Imam Qastalani (may Allah have mercy on him) writes that the reason for the pregnancy of Hazrat Bibi Amina (may Allah be pleased with her) is that all the riders of Quraysh spoke that night and said:  "

 Hazrat Bibi Amna (may Allah be pleased with her) says that for a long time after becoming the trustee of this light of prophethood, I did not even realize that a new being was growing in my body and I was going to become a mother after some time.  I was completely safe from the fantasies that women have.  

It is narrated on the authority of Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) that Hazrat Bibi Amina (RA) said: 

 She says: "I was pregnant, but I did not feel any difficulty from the beginning to the end." It is also narrated from Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas that  Pregnancy. And he remained in the womb of his mother Majida for nine months.  During this time, she did not complain of any discomfort, vomiting, nausea, anxiety and other disorders that women experience during these days.

The Arrival Of Mustafa ( ﷺ ) Is A Heavenly Good News :

Hazrat Bibi Amna's knowledge of this great trust during her pregnancy was revealed through Noorani Basharat. It could not be known at first.  Hazrat Bibi Amina says: I was in a state of sleep and wakefulness when an angel came to me and said: Do you know that you are about to become a mother?  As if I did not know, he said that you are going to be the leader of this ummah and the mother of the Prophet.

 Hazrat Bibi Amina says, “The angel who came to me came and instructed me to recite this supplication when she is born.”  Then I will name him Muhammad ( ﷺ ) because his name is Ahmad ( ﷺ ) in the Torah and the Gospel. Everyone in the heavens and the earth will praise him. The Qur'an is his book.

 It is clear from the above incidents that before the advent of the Prophet ( ﷺ ) the world was warned in every possible way that this is the entity due to which the world has been beautifully decorated, this is the entity whose essence is the blessed Ka'bah.  She will cleanse Allah Sharif from the filth of idols.  At last the beautiful hour came when Noor Mustafa (peace be upon him) came in the lap of Syeda Amina.  To commemorate this event, a pillar of emerald and a pillar of ruby   were erected in the sky, three flags were erected on the east, west and on the roof of the Kaaba.  That night the devils were imprisoned, the news of the priests stopped, all the idols of the world prostrated.  That night the thrones of the kings were overthrown, an earthquake shook the House of Kasra, causing fourteen of its kings to fall, signaling that the king would remain in power for fourteen generations, and announcing that oppression  The era of barbarism will end.  Given that on the occasion of the blessed birth of the Holy Prophet ( ﷺ ), the crown prince of the universe, many such natural signs and phenomena came to light which are unparalleled.  The rest is up to you

If the Holy Prophet ( ﷺ ) mentions the holy birth of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa ( ﷺ ), then every believer bows his head in gratitude to Allah

When the Holy Prophet ( ﷺ ) mentions the holy birth of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa ( ﷺ ), every believer bows his head in gratitude to Allaah  That Allah Almighty sent His Beloved Prophet ( ﷺ ) into the universe to cure the sorrows and pains of the suffering humanity forever and ever.  In the early hours of the morning, in order to alleviate the plight of the helpless, the compelled and the helpless, raised the seal of hope from his feet, where Afroz rose, who bestowed on the inhabitants of the land the etiquette of the emperor.

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The birth of the Holy Prophet ( ﷺ ) is an adornment of the heartfelt text of the Holy Qur'an.  I will exalt you above the Book and Wisdom and then my beloved Messenger (peace be upon him) will come to you confirming you, then you will surely believe in them and help them. He said: Have you confessed and on that?  All the prophets said: We have confessed, so he said: Bear witness to one another, and I am with you among the witnesses. (پارہ 3 آیت 82-81)

In the beautiful and eternal hours of eternity, this was the covenant by which the Almighty had bound the Prophets and Messengers who visited the universe in turn to the fact that if the two worlds wanted in their lives, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa ( ﷺ )  If they come, then they will have to give up their prophethood and prophethood and will have to follow the prophethood of Muhammad ( ﷺ ) and follow his Shari'ah.  This gathering of the Covenant of the Prophets was so pure, heartwarming and faith-inspiring that Amir Khosrow cried out helplessly.
 I didn't know what the floor was like at night.
 God Himself was my Majlis. Lamkan Khosrow was inside.

 This entity whose prophethood was universal and whose message was made universal by the Charter of the Prophets is the same caste attribute whose light was adorned for the sake of its manifestation. If the light of Mustafa is not manifested.  If it were, the earth would not be laid and the heavens would not be covered.  The vastness of, the sway of the green and the flower, the existence of the whole universe is due to the caste of Mustafa ( ﷺ ) that if the birth of Mustafa ( ﷺ ) was not arranged, then the great ancestor of the world of humanity  It would not have been granted even if God had not revealed that he is his own God.  لولاهٗ وما خلقتك ولا خلقت سماء ولا ارضا.  He did not create the heavens and the earth. ”

In the same way, the hadith of the Holy Prophet ( ﷺ ) regarding the birth of Mustafa (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also exposes the mysteries of nature. 

اول ما خلق اللّٰہ نوری۔
’’سب سے پہلے اللہ نے جو چیز پیدا فرمائی وہ میرا نور تھا"

The Holy Prophet ( ﷺ ) was the savior of the world.  This being was the one who blew the pride of the tyrannical powers that ignited the fire of terror and barbarism into dust and grew the rose of peace and tranquility.  The prophets and messengers used to give each other the promise of the same caste and every prophet would have been waiting for you all his life  The Prophet ( ﷺ ) said:  By swearing allegiance and providing the means of salvation and self-sufficiency.  This is the covenant that Allah has taken from the Prophets and this is how the Prophet (peace be upon him) fulfilled this covenant.  It happens with this will.

When Adam (AS) became convinced of his last time, ie death, he took the hand of his son Hazrat Shayth (peace be upon him) and said: O son, Allah Almighty has commanded me to give you the light of Muhammad ( ﷺ ).  About the covenant that appears in your forehead that you should transfer it to the purest woman.

What will it be like? What will be the vision. How the tears of the oppressed will be drying automatically. The beauty of springs will be given to the desolation.  There will be an atmosphere of light and care on all sides. Nature itself will be attesting to this beautiful nature.  The title was to be called ( ﷺ ) رحمۃللعالمین

تبسم ہی تبسم تھے نظارے لالہ زاروں کے
ترنم ہی ترنم تھے کنارے جو ئباروں کے

بصد اندازِ یکتائی بغائت شانِ زیبائی
امیں بن کر امانت آمنہ کی گود میں آئی

جہاں میں آج جشن عید کا سامان ہو تا ہے!
اِدھر ابلیس تنہا اپنی ناکامی پہ روتا ہے

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خلیفہ اوّل سیدنا صدیق اکبر رضی اللہ عنہ

 نے فرمایا :جس شخص نے حضور نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کا میلاد شریف پڑھنے پر ایک درہم بھی خرچ کیا وہ جنت میں میرے ساتھ ہو گا۔(النعمۃ الکبریٰ)

خلیفہ دوئم سید نا فاروق اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ

 نے فرمایا :جس نے حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے میلاد پر ایک درہم بھی خرچ کیا اس نے گویا اسلام زندہ کیا (النعمۃ الکبریٰ)

خلیفہ سوئم سیدنا عثمان غنی رضی اللہ عنہ

 نے فرمایا :کہ جس نے حضور نورِ مجسم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے میلاد پر ایک درہم بھی خرچ کیا گویا وہ غزوہ  بدر و حنین میں حاضر ہوا۔(النعمۃ الکبریٰ)

خلیفہ چہارم سیدنا علی شیر خدا رضی اللہ عنہ 

نے فرمایا: جس نے نبی رحمت صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے میلاد کی تعظیم کی اور میلاد خوانی کا سبب بناوہ دنیا سے ایمان کے ساتھ جائے گا اور جنت میں بغیر حساب کے داخل ہو گا۔

Milad is the name given to the gathering of Muslims in one place and the birth of the Holy Prophet ( ﷺ ) happily.  It is also the Sunnah of God, the Sunnah of the Prophets, the Sunnah of the Companions and the method of the elders of the religion .

Attending Milad-e-Mustafa ( ﷺ ) is a blessing and salvation. It is a beautiful occasion of thanksgiving and a pure source of divine pleasure.  Celebrating the birth of Mustafa ( ﷺ ) eradicates polytheism and monotheism. During the four months of Rabi-ul-Awwal, every mosque, every madrassa and every house should be decorated with the birth of the Prophet ( ﷺ ) so that the Lord of the Universe may be pleased.

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Miracles on the birth of the Holy Prophet ( ﷺ  ) :

Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Haq Mohaddess Dehlavi (RA) says that there are innumerable verses and miracles regarding the birth of the Holy Prophet ( ﷺ ) , some of which are that  And its water went underground and the river Khan-e-Sada, which is called Wadi-e-Sada, was released, even though a thousand years had passed since it was cut off, and the fire of the Persians, which had been hot for a thousand years, was extinguished.

 When the Holy Prophet ( ﷺ ) was born, Allah Almighty created him with a pure body and a strong smell like musk and circumcised, unblemished, radiant face, bright eyes and a shining seal of prophethood between the two shoulders.

 Upon the birth of the Holy Prophet ( ﷺ ), Allah Almighty revealed a bright cloud over his mother Majida, which had the sound of horses chirping and birds flying with the light and the speeches of some human beings and it was announced that Muhammad ( ﷺ )  Make the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) travel east and west and the seas so that the whole universe may know his name and appearance and his attributes.  Adorn yourself with the good manners of the Prophets and then the clouds parted and the stars came closer and the preacher announced that wow wow what a good thing Muhammad ( ﷺ  ) took over the whole world and there is nothing left of the universe  There was no one left who was not in possession of power and domination. Then three men appeared. One had a silver loot in one hand and a green emerald in the other. A shiny ring in the third hand.  The ring was washed seven times and a seal of prophethood was placed between the two shoulders of the Holy Prophet, then he was wrapped in a silk cloth and handed over to his mother Majida.

 At the time of his birth, strange things appeared from the unseen and the light of the Prophet ( ﷺ ) illuminated the low lands and hills of the Haram and a light came out with him that the palaces of Syria were visible and the heavens  But the devils used to go away and inform the priests about some of the occult and they used to tell the people something on their own, but with the advent of the Holy Prophet ( ﷺ ) their coming and going in the heavens stopped and  If the heavens were protected by the meteor Saqib, then there was no fear of mixing revelation and non-revelation.

 The palace of Kasra exploded in the city of Madain and its fourteen corners collapsed and the fires of Persia became so cold that every attempt was made to light a fire in them but it did not burn.  The plain sea which became very dry between Hamdan and Qom The plain valley which was between Syria and Kufa which became very dry and began to flow.

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