40 Years Of Dawat e Islami

Allegiance and Intention

Due to his immense devotion to Imam Ahl-e-Sunnat Mujaddid Din and Millat-e-Shah Imam Ahmad Raza Khan( رحمۃ الرحمٰن)  As Amir-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat Damat Barakat-e-Alia himself writes:  The same "entity" became the center of attention (to become a disciple), although there was no shortage of Sunni leaders.

By holding the foot of this holy entity, she would be related to the Supreme Being (Alayh Rahmat-ur-Rehman) for the same reason and one of the attractions of this "entity" was that the shadow of the Dome of the Rock was falling directly on her.  By this "holy entity" I mean the virtue of the Sun of Rizvi Zia-ul-Millat, the followers of Ahl-e-Sunnah.  Hazrat Allama Maulana Zia-ud-Din Ahmad Madani Qadri Rizvi (may Allah have mercy on him) is the disciple and caliph of the Supreme Being 

Caliphate and Permission

Amir-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat Damat Barakat-e-Alia, Grand Mufti of Pakistan is the caliph of Hazrat Ziauddin Qadri (may Allah have mercy on him).  He was introduced to you by Sharh Bukhari, the great jurist of India, Mufti Sharif-ul-Haq Amjadi (may God have mercy on him).

Allegiance and Guidance

Ameer Ahl-e-Sunnat Damat Barakat-ul-Aaliyah, in spite of receiving the Khilafah and Advocacy, did not make anyone his disciple for a while out of humility and submission, but through himself he made the follower of Pir Murshid.  After the demise of Murshid (may Allah have mercy on him), he started swearing allegiance.  Later, adopting the method of Akbarin, he started the process of collective allegiance in large gatherings full of Sunnah, just as the High Prince, Hazrat Mustafa Raza Khan (may Allah have mercy on him) also used to take collective allegiance.

Madani Message 

مجھے اپنی اور ساری دنیا کے لوگوں کی اصلاح کی کوشش کرنی ہے ۔ انشاءاللہ عزوجل

Historical Deed of Amir-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat

Establishment of a global non-political movement for the propagation of the Qur'an and Sunnah

 At a time when the onslaught of sins around the world, the onslaught of obscenity in the media and the rebuke of fashion had rendered the majority of Muslims ineffective,  Clouds of ignorance were hovering over education and ignorance of religious issues, anti-Islamic forces were conspiring to wipe out Muslims and change the pure image of Islam, desecrated mosques.  Was going on, the flood of atheism and irreligion was wreaking havoc, every house was becoming a cinema, the Muslim was getting addicted to music, alcohol and gambling and was rapidly falling into the deep pit of destruction, on Gulshan-e-Islam  Autumn clouds were hovering.  In these critical circumstances, Shaykh-ul-Tariqat, Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, Founder of Islamic Da'wah, Hazrat Allama Maulana Abu Bilal Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadri Rizvi Ziaee Damat Barakat-ul-Aaliya  He began to think, "I have to try to reform myself and the people of the world."  Praise be to Allaah!  It is the result of your efforts that in a short span of time the message of Islamic Da'wah (Tadam Tahrir) has reached 66 countries of the world and millions of devotees of the Prophet are engaged in spreading the message of goodness.  Musharraf converts to Islam  The constant struggle of Damat Barakat-e-Alia has brought about a civil revolution in the lives of millions of Muslims, especially the youth.  

Evidence of the unique and historical work of Amir-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat Damat Barakat-e-Alia is that he was busy in establishing the fields that the beloved Ummah (peace be upon him) needed.

Madina tul Madrasa for Adults

Damat Barakat-ul-Alia has formulated “Madrasa Al-Madinah for Adults” for the education of adults through Islamic Da'wah.  Along with learning the Holy Qur'an and memorizing supplications, correcting prayers etc. and getting free education of Sunnah

University of Madina

Damat Barakat-e-Alia established several universities called “Al-Madinah University” for the preparation of scholars through Islamic Da'wah, through which innumerable Islamic brothers (with accommodation and food facilities as required) were given Nizami (ie Aalam course) and Islamic  The sisters are given free education in the 'Al-Madinah for Girls' course and the Shariah course.  About 100 separate universities of Islamic brothers and sisters have been established in Madinah across Pakistan.  Some universities also have clinics where sick students and civic staff are treated for free.  Admission is also required, as well as treatment arrangements are made through large hospitals as required.  Graduates of Nizami are also offered specialization in jurisprudence (two-year mufti course) and specialization in arts (duration 12 months) in which the final books on philosophy, logic and beliefs are taught.  Almost every year for years, the students of the “Islamic Da'wah” universities have achieved significant success in Pakistan in the examinations conducted by the Sunni Madrassas, a nationwide organization of Madrassas Organization (Pakistan).  Get position


He Damat Barakat-e-Alia established several “Dar-ul-Iftaa” through Islamic Da'wah where Muftis Damat-e-Faywazham issue written and oral fatwas and guide the Muslims of the world through telephone and internet.  More than 50,000 fatwas have been issued in almost six years.  A "Majlis-e-Iftaa" has been set up to run the Dar-ul-Iftaa.  A "Liaison Council of Ulema and Mashaikhs" has been formed to keep in touch with other Sunni scholars.

Council for Education

Under the auspices of Damat Barakat-ul-Aaliyah, teachers and students of educational institutions such as religious seminaries, schools, colleges and universities have been introduced to the traditions of the Holy Prophet Mustafa (PBUH) under the auspices of the Council for Education.  Civil work is going on.  Countless students attend Sunnah-filled gatherings and also become passengers of civic caravans.  Praise be to Allaah!  Lovers of many worldly sciences became accustomed to inactive students, worshipers and Sunnis.  A unique "Faizan-e-Quran and Sunnah course" has also been launched to acquaint students, teachers and staff of schools, colleges and universities with the needs of the religion.

Letters and Amulets Assembly

As in the past, like the Salaf-e-Saliheen Quds-e-Sirham, in the blessed heart of Amir-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat Damat Barakat-e-Alia, there is an endless stream of benevolence of the Ummah.  In the past, he used to go to the homes and hospitals of Damat Barakat-e-Aaliya to breathe and give amulets to the patients.  About 1972, a mysterious eye disease broke out in Bab al-Madinah (Karachi), and hardly anyone survived.  Aap Damat Barakat-ul-Aaliya began to breathe on the eyes of the patients for the sake of Allah. By the grace of Allah, the people began to recover.  She is already recovering from the death of a man named Muhammad Ilyas Qadri (Damat Barakat-e-Alia).  Then people started coming from far and wide and queues of patients would form and you would breathe a sigh of relief.

 In the end, Damat Barakat-ul-Aaliya, under the holy spirit of mourning of the Ummah of the Holy Prophet (sws), formed the Majlis-e-Maktoobat and the amulet of Attaria.  Under which Muslims are treated for the sake of Allah through amulets and there is also a series of Istikharah.  Thousands of Muslims benefit from it every day.  Praise be to Allaah!  At present, millions of amulets and condolences, visits and consolations have been sent by Amir-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat Damat Barakat-e-Alia under the Majlis.  More than 2.6 million "amulets" and "wishes" are given annually and about 20,000 to 25,000 letters are being sent, including e-mail replies.  Praise be to Allaah!  There are also more than 2,500 online Istikharah recipes per month.  There are several springs of Attaria amulets that can be found in the Maktab al-Madinah's "terrible plague", "mysterious dog" and "horned bride" magazines.

Civil Rewards ( مدنی انعامات )

He has given a system of accountability in the form of "civil rewards" to the Islamic brothers, Islamic sisters and students in order to make them bound by their duties and obligations, Sunnah and mustahabb and morals and to protect them from deadly (ie sins).  Countless Islamic brothers, sisters and students follow the Madani rewards and fill in the blanks in the card or pocket-sized magazine before going to bed every day to review their deeds.  There are 72 civil prizes for Islamic brothers, 63 for Islamic sisters, 92 for students of schools, colleges and universities, 83 for female students and 40 for civil servants of Madrasa Al-Madinah.

Civil Caravans and Weekly Gatherings

The civic network of "civic caravans and weekly gatherings" has been spread in many countries of the world through the preachers of Islamic Da'wah prepared with the blessings of the training imparted by Aap Damat Barakat-e-Aaliya.  Traveling from country to country, city to city and village to village, spreading the springs of knowledge of religion and Sunnah and spreading the call of goodness, "Majlis for International Affairs" has been established for civil work in different countries.

Weekly Gatherings of Islamic Sisters

Where the Islamic brothers benefit from the river Faiz of Damat Barakat-e-Alia, the Islamic sisters are not better than anyone.  Praise be to Allaah!  Islamic sisters also hold weekly gatherings in various places with the sharia veil.  Countless inactive Islamic sisters have become observant of the practical, prayerful and civil burqas.  In many parts of the world, thousands of madrassas (Madrasa al-Madinah (for adults)) are set up in their homes every day. It is estimated that there are about 2,000 madrassas of Islamic sisters daily in Bab al-Madinah (Karachi) alone.  The sisters receive free education in the Qur'an, prayers and Sunnah, and memorize prayers.

Collective Retreat

Praise be to Allaah!  In the last ten days of the month of Ramadan, "I'tikaf" is organized in many mosques around the world under the auspices of Islamic Da'wah.  Among them, the Islamic brothers acquire the knowledge of the religion, receive the training of the Sunnahs, and many devotees become the passengers of the civic caravans of the Sunnahs with the lovers of the Prophet from the very first night.  Thus, with the blessings of collective I'tikaf, thousands of non-prayer seekers are becoming worshipers and those who stay away from the Sunnah are becoming followers of the Sunnah.

International and Provincial Gatherings

In addition to the weekly Sunnah-filled gatherings held in thousands of places around the world, there are also "Sunnah-filled gatherings" at the global and provincial levels.  In which thousands, millions of devotees of the Prophet participate and after the gathering, the lucky Islamic brothers become the passengers of the caravans of the training of the saints.  Madinat-ul-Awliya Multan Sharif (Pakistan) is located in the vast area of ​​the Madinah Desert. Every year there is a three-day gathering full of international traditions.  In which civil caravans from many countries of the world participate.  Undoubtedly, this is the largest gathering of Muslims after Hajj.

Introduction And Performance Of Some Branches Of Islamic Da'wah Service

 Rajab al-Marjab 1440 AH to Rajab al-Marjab 1441 AH (March 2019 to March 2020)

The Madani Movement of the Lovers of the Prophet is striving to serve the religion of Islam in 108 branches all over the world.  Take a look at the brief performance of some of the fields in the last one year. Thus, at home and abroad: * The number of universities in Madinah (for girls and boys) has increased from 616 to 845.  The number of graduates has increased from 52,574 to about 60,733, while the number of graduates and parents has increased from 7,688 to about 10,841.  * The number of branches of Jamiat-ul-Madinah and Madrasah-ul-Madinah Online has increased from 29 to 37 in which the number of those who have studied the Holy Quran as well as Alim course and other 32 religious and corrective courses has increased from about 10,000 to 14,104.  While more than 12,051 students have graduated from this department.  * The number of Madrasas of Madinah (for girls and girls) has increased from 3,287 to 4,041, in which the number of boys and girls receiving free education in the Holy Quran has increased from 152,340 to about 1,79,550, while the number of those who have memorized the Quran has increased from 80,731.  The number of those who have completed the recitation of the Qur'an has increased from 241,028 to about 272,248.  * The number of Madrasah Al-Madinah (Adults and Adults) has increased from 23,200 to about 26,717, in which older Islamic people who are studying the Holy Quran for the sake of Allah and other Shariah rules (Wudhu, Ghusl, Prayer, etc.)  The number of brothers and Islamic sisters has increased from about 142,000 to about 183,004.  In addition, * Alhamdulillah! A separate Madrasa for blind children has also been established in Madinah, where blind children, who are deprived of the blessing of seeing, are memorized the Holy Qur'an for the sake of Allah.  * “الْمَدِيْنَۃُ الْعِلْمِيَہ”: The Department of Writing and Compilation of the Islamic Call

Dawateislami Website

In just three years from 2017 to 2019, more than 89 lakh 74 thousand 694 visitors downloaded various books and magazines from the website of Dawat-e-Islami (www.dawateislami.net).  * More than 519 articles consisting of 792 pages for children, adults and women were published in 12 months under the auspices of "Majlis-e-Faizan-e-Madina".  * A total of 1741 books and magazines have been translated by the Translation Council while 1849 statements and various pamphlets have been translated into 36 languages ​​of the world including English, Chinese, Bengali, Turkish, French and Hindi.  These books and magazines have also been uploaded on the website of Da'wah Islami.

Faizan e Madina (فیضانِ مدینہ)

About 655 civic centers have been set up in the country and abroad where millions of devotees of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) have the privilege of offering the five daily prayers as well as attending Friday prayers and various gatherings.  * More than 1249 mosques have been built and 672 mosques under construction

Madni Qaafle  (مدنی قافلے)

Approximately 375,636 devotees of the Prophet traveled in 53,663 caravans of 3 days, 12 days and 1 month to convey the message and teachings of Islam all over the world, while 678 lovers of the Prophet have been traveling in caravans for 12 months (1 year).

Madni Courses  (مدنی کورسز )

For the sake of Allah, the Islamic Brothers and Islamic Sisters continue to impart civic training through various civic courses on the Holy Quran, prayers, ablutions, ghusl, how to do civic work and moral and social matters.

(صدقات و خیرات )

دینِ اسلام کی خدمت میں آپ بھی دعوتِ اسلامی کا ساتھ دیجئے اور اپنی زکوٰۃ ، صدقاتِ واجبہ و نافلہ اور دیگر مدنی  عطیات(چندے) کے ذریعے مالی تعاون کیجئے! 

بینک کا نام : MCB 

اکاؤنٹ ٹائٹل : DAWAT-E-ISLAMI TRUST

 بینک برانچ : MCB AL-HILAL SOCIETY ، برانچ کوڈ: 0037                        

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