Importance Of Hijab

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Islam believes in the rights of women

 Of course, in modern times, which some people have called the age of nudity and sexual freedom, and pro-Western people have called it a part of women's freedom, so such people make faces by listening to the words of the veil and  The veil is considered a myth of the past.

 But with this freedom and misguidance, as much as riots and evils are increasing, so much attention is being paid to the veil.
 However, in Islamic and religious society, especially after the Iranian revolution, many issues have been resolved and many questions have been satisfactorily answered, but since this issue is very important, this issue needs further discussion.

 The problem is (with great excuse) are the other pleasures of listening, watching and touching women (other than homosexuality) for all men or only for their husbands ?

 The debate is whether women should provoke the lusts of young men in a fierce competition for the display of different parts of their bodies and fall prey to the lust of polluted men or are these problems related to husbands ?

 Islam favors this second type, and that is why the hijab has been declared, even though Western countries and pro-Western people are convinced of the former ideology.

 Islam says that sexual pleasure and the pleasure of seeing, hearing and touching is specific to the husband and is a cause of sin, pollution and impurity for society.

The Philosophy of Hijab

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The philosophy of hijab is not a hidden thing, because:

 ۔  Unveiled women usually arouse the emotions of young men through make-up and other glitter which inflames their emotions and sometimes leads to mental illness. How much excitement can a person's emotions bear?  Don't psychiatrists say that excitement always causes diseases in human beings?

 Especially when it is known that sexual instinct is the most basic human instinct due to which there are many dangerous incidents and incidents in history which were based on this very thing, some people even say: “Any important  It will not happen unless a woman has a hand in it!
 Always provoking the feeling by walking naked in the bazaars and streets;  Don't play with fire?  And is this work wise ?

 Islam wants Muslim men and women to live in peace and tranquility and their eyes and ears to be protected from wrongdoing and to live contentedly in this regard. This is also a philosophy of the veil.

 ۔  Authoritative and conclusive reports testify to the fact that divorces have been on the rise all over the world since the rise of nakedness, because the "man who falls in love"  He tries to get it, so every day a person looks for a loved one and sees the other saying goodbye.

 In a society where veiling is found (and other Islamic terms are observed), this relationship is only between husband and wife. Their feelings, love and affection are specific to each other.

 But in this "market of freedom" while women;  Practically as a commodity (at least apart from sexual intercourse) then the marital vows make no sense to them, and many marriages soon become like a spider's web.  They do, and the children become headless.

 ۔  The prevalence of pornography and the birth of illegitimate children;  There is a slight pain in the result of nakedness, which need not be mentioned, this problem is so obvious especially in western countries that to describe it is to show the light of the sun, all people like such things.  Keep hearing about it from the media.

 We are not saying that the real reason for the birth of obscene and illegitimate children is the lack of hijab, we are not saying that the Western environment and wrong political issues are not effective in it, but we are saying that nudity and nakedness are its  One of the effective factors and causes.

 Obscenity and the production of illegitimate children have led to an increase in oppression and bloodshed in society, which highlights aspects of this dangerous problem.

The terrible place of women in the West and the Westernized countries

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When we hear that, according to a report, half a million children are born illegally in England every year, and when we hear that many English intellectuals have challenged government officials if this continues.  

So the security of the country is in danger, (they have not challenged it on the basis of moral and religious issues) but only because illegitimate children are a threat to the peace and order of society, because when we know  If the names of such people are found in court cases, then the importance of this issue is really appreciated. People who do not even believe in religion are worried about the spread of this evil.

 Therefore, sex in society  The thing that spreads mischief is considered a threat to the security of the society and its dangerous consequences are harmful to the society in every way.

 Research by trained intellectuals also reflects the fact that in colleges where boys and girls study together or in institutions where men and women work together and have all kinds of freedom, there is less study in such colleges.  And there is less work in institutions and less sense of responsibility.

 ۔  Nudity and nudity also lead to the decline of a woman's dignity. If society wants to see a woman naked, then it is natural that the demand for her adornment will increase every day and her exposure will increase.  Sexual attraction will become a means of advertising goods, entertainment will be in waiting areas and will become a means of attracting tourists, then its status in the society will fall like a toy or a valuable commodity.  Gi, and his glorious human values   will be forgotten, and his pride will be limited to his youth, beauty and display.

 In this way, she will become a tool to satisfy the lustful desires of a few unclean deceitful human-like beasts!

 In such a society, how can a woman fulfill her moral qualities, knowledge and insight and achieve a high position ?

 It is really painful to see how much the status of women has declined in the West and in the Westernized countries. In our own country, Iran, before the revolution, the name, fame, wealth and status were for these few unholy and unrestrained women.  

Known as the "artist" and the artist, those responsible for the filthy environment where she set foot looked at her and welcomed her.

 Thank God that all that filth was removed in Iran and the woman came out of the era in which she was humiliated, and she became a cultural toy and a valuable tool, now she has her own  It has regained its status and prestige and covered itself with a veil, but it is not as if it has become a recluse, but has done great services in all useful and corrective works of society, even on the battlefield, with the same Islamic veil. 

Answers to the objections of the opponents of Hijab

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The biggest objection of the opponents of hijab is that there are about half of the women in the society but because of hijab this great community will be marginalized and physically backward, especially when man needs business and human work. 

 If there is a need, then if women remain in the veil, they cannot be exploited in economic activities, and their place in cultural and collective institutions will remain vacant!  In this way, they will only spend in the society and will become a burden for the society.

 But those who have objected to this are either oblivious to a few things or have made themselves oblivious, because:

 First, who says that the Islamic veil will alienate women from society?  If in the past it was difficult to bring such an argument, then today the Islamic Revolution (Iran) has proved that women can do a lot for the society even in the Islamic veil, because we have seen with our own eyes.  

We have seen that women are present everywhere in the society, wearing the Islamic veil, in institutions, in cars, in political demonstrations, in radio and television, in hospitals, in clinics, especially in war dressings for war wounded.  And for their care, in madrassas and universities, on the battlefield against the enemy, in summary, women everywhere have played their part.

 In short, the current situation is a tooth-breaking answer to the self-objection, although in the past we talked about the "possibility" for these answers (ie, what collective work women can do behind the scenes).  

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The philosopher says that the proof of the possibility of something is the fact that it itself happened, it is self-evident that there is no need to state it.

 Second: Apart from these things, is it not a good thing for women to stay at home and train their children and make them the best human beings for the future so that they can be the best and most useful for the society?  Is?

 Those who do not consider this responsibility of women as a positive and useful work, then they are unaware of the importance of education and training, a healthy and prosperous society, they think that men and women are institutions like Western countries.  And go out to work in factories and leave your children in infant shelters, or lock them in a room and let them enjoy the harshness of imprisonment from that time on.

 They are unaware of the fact that in this way the personality and importance of children is confused, human love is not created in children, which will endanger the society.

 ۔  The second objection of the opponents of the veil is that collective work cannot be done with the burqa or chador for the veil, especially today, in the age of modern vehicles, a veiled woman should take care of herself or her chador, or her child or  Engage in your work ?

 But those who object are unaware that hijab does not always mean burqa or chador, but hijab means a woman's dress.  That is, just cover your scalp and neck with a scarf.

 The women of our rural areas, while remaining veiled in agricultural work, have proved that a woman living in a slum can do many important things, even better than men, by observing the Islamic veil, and her hijab  Does not interfere with the work of

 ۔  One of their objections is that the veil creates a distance between a man and a woman in a way that inflames the desire to see in men, and their emotions become more flammable because "man is greedy for what is forbidden"!  

The answer to this objection, or to put it more accurately, the answer to this fallacy is to compare today's society with the time of the Shah.  Order, and in the time of the king, women were prevented from wearing hijab.

 At that time, there were brothels in every street, there was a very strange atmosphere in the houses, there were many divorces, there were many illegitimate children, and so on and so forth.

 We are not saying that now all these things are completely gone, but of course it has come down a lot, our society has improved a lot and if God's grace was involved and the same situation remained and other problems were removed.  So our society will be completely free from this evil and the importance of women will be highlighted.

Fashionable Hijab & Islam

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One thing I often note whenever I have to go out of the house,

  And that's what today's young generation has made of the veil,

 I do not understand what is the shape of the curtain?

 Recently I went to a clinic,
 There was a lot of rush so he took the number and sat aside and waited for his turn.

 Two or three young girls also entered the clinic, wearing beautiful maxi-like abayas, with very tight sleeves, beautiful work on the neck and sleeves.

 A small scarf was wrapped around her head with great beauty and sophistication.  On the left side of the head, on the top of the scarf, there is an embellishment with jewels.

 The scarf was so small that it barely came down from the face to the neck.

There was not even enough to cover the chest. 

 The abaya was such that it was clear of all the ups and downs of the body. The scarf was worn only for beauty in which the face was also exposed.
 The eyes are like a nail polish, makeup, mascara, liner and lipstick on the lips.

 A wave of pain arose in the heart, such obscenity in the name of veil?
 Such a curtain needs a curtain itself ... !!

 And some women who manage to cover their face a little but their chests are also open. The burqa is more than just a stylish one. 

New designs, embroidery, cutwork, pearls, necklaces.  Full of colors

 How are fashions being introduced in the name of veil and hijab that are making women more visible instead of covering them?  

Even the unseen should be compelled to see.

 Hijab inviting every look
 When I see it, I feel only my heart, I wonder if this is the same veil that Allah has commanded.

 Our women also adopted the burqa and hijab as fashion

 Beauty contests
 The race to get ahead of each other
 The passion to stand out in everyone
 Excessive passion for fashion
 Sorry sorry ,,,, 
 My respected sister !!!  This is the path that Satan has shown us by embellishing our eyes.

 This is the melody for you, be above all
 Ho Zenit Unique ,,,,, Ho Fashion Unique ,,,,,
 You have been deceived by the beauty of appearance.

 Does he live like this, dying like that?
 There is no place to live
 This is a lesson to be learned, not a spectacle.

 Just think, is this the same veil that the Qur'an has commanded ???

 O Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)!  Ask your wives, your daughters, and the women of the believers to hang their cloaks over themselves.  Thus they are more likely to be recognized and not persecuted, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

 The veil which the Qur'an commands is only to conceal the adornment of believing women, so that it may be known that they are noble women, and do not look down on them.

 But what is happening in our society today in the name of veil and hijab, if it is not stopped, the veil itself will become a joke.

 What does it mean to wear a burqa, what does it mean to wear a scarf?

 Do you want to attract the attention of others?
 The kind of abayas and scarves we have started using, are they really meeting the requirements of the veil, or have we adopted another adornment in the name of hijab?

 What is the ultimate purpose of such a hijab?  Who are we making happy?  Who do you want to impress?

 Just touch your hearts,

 Are we doing this veil to please Allah?
 Does this veil meet the requirements of our faith?
 The veil gives honor and dignity to a woman, makes her honorable in the eyes of others, and shows her respect and dignity among the people.
 It protects him from the greedy eyes of non-mahram men.  The veil protects the woman ...  !!!
 But is the veil we are wearing today fulfilling all these requirements ???

 My polite and heartfelt request is to our Muslim sisters, to our society, to keep the veil of God in the veil, not to sacrifice it to your desires and fashion.
 Maintain your Islamic dignity, adopt simplicity, simplicity is part of faith.

 Fashion does not bring honor, Allah gives honor, correct your intentions, use loose fitting and simple hijab and burqa, keep in view the pleasure of Allah, wear veil to fulfill Allah's command, commandments of religion  Don't make fun of ,,,,, !!!

 This four-day life was not found to fulfill one's desires, this life is a test, a test, who is the best preparer for the hereafter?

 Who cares about the pleasure and happiness of his Lord and who blindly chases after his own desires?

 Life is not to be wasted in the same game spectacle,
 Think about it,
  What if you looked so beautiful, even if you took the lead in the fashion race?
 What if we were very upset in the eyes of the people?

 Even if we got all this, what did we get?
 With death, everything has to end, world fame, fame, honor, everything has to stay here and finally man will one day go to his grave alone with the burden of his deeds ,,, 
 Where nothing is of any use except your good deeds ...
 The wise man is the one who prepares for death before he dies.

 Allah Almighty has created a great paradise for His obedient servants.
 There are those blessings which no eye has ever seen, no ear has heard, no heart has ever thought of them.

 Live the life you want in this world today, live the life you want in the hereafter tomorrow.
 May Allah Almighty grant us all the ability to follow the real requirements of the veil.  Amen

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Bohat kamal likha ��������������������������������������������

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