The Last Prophet ( ﷺ )

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September 7, 1974, "Protection of the End of Prophethood Day"

September 6 is an important day in the history of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It is celebrated as a day of defense.  He bravely fought against them, many of them drank the cup of martyrdom while giving their bravery, these lions of Allah with their blood made such eternal and unparalleled stories of courage and bravery which will continue to shine on the horizon till the end of time.  He was awarded the Medal of Courage and the Haider Medal.  In this way, these brave men sacrificed their lives to protect the borders of the country. Today, India has again gathered its troops on the borders.  By besieging them, locking them up in their homes, the market for oppression has been heated up. In such a situation, the spirit of jihad of 1965 is needed again today. If the government decides today, if the army takes a step, then the whole nation  He is ready to support the government and the army with the same spirit.

However, on September 6, the country's geographical borders were protected.  Like September 6, September 7 is the most important and the greatest day in the history of the country. This day is of great historical significance not only for Pakistan but for the entire Muslim Ummah.  On that day, the banner of honor and dignity of the Holy Prophet was hoisted.  On this day, those who robbed the end of prophethood were humiliated and disgraced, those who stole the end of prophethood failed, those who snatched the crown of prophethood were lost, on that day the parliament of Pakistan and  The entire nation together separated Mirza I and the Qadianis from the body of the Nation of Islam and declared them a constitutionally non-Muslim minority. Not only the entire Pakistani nation, but the entire Muslim Ummah prostrated in gratitude.  Because the stench of Qadianism and its decay had made the entire Muslim Ummah restless and anxious.

 This historic and glorious day should have been celebrated by the entire nation at the national and governmental level, meetings should be held for it, programs should be held, thanksgiving gifts should be given and protection from this tribulation and other such tribulations for the future.  Prayers would have been sought and measures would have been taken to avoid them, especially to save the new generation from them and practical steps would have been taken accordingly. The living nations would not only remember such historic and glorious days and moments.  Yes, they keep it alive, but this day comes and goes. No one knows how important and great a day has passed and demanded of us.  It is a symbol of our collective and national indifference.

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On September 7, 1974, the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan amended the constitution to determine the status of the Qadianis and unanimously amended the constitution to declare them a non-Muslim minority.  This decision was not made sitting still, but after full deliberation and discussion, after question and answer, after considering every aspect, in which case, on May 29, 1974, the Qadiani thugs stabbed Rabwah station.  The students of the medical college were beaten up, as a result of which such a lively organized but peaceful movement took place all over the country which was unprecedented.  The whole nation was united from Karachi to the northern areas, from Bolan to the Khyber Pass, and there was one voice and one demand that the Qadianis be declared a non-Muslim minority.  As a result of this movement, the government was compelled to suspend all the affairs of the National Assembly and give it the status of a special committee, leaving it to the committee to make its recommendations after full consideration.

 Debate on Qadiani issue started in the National Assembly. Both Qadiani and Lahore groups presented their manifestos separately in the National Assembly at their request. In response, the World Council for the Protection of End of Prophethood also said,  Presented his detailed position under the name of  Hazrat Maulana Ghulam Ghous Hazarawi was fortunate enough to receive the clause-wise reply of the Qadiani memorandum in Lahore and he presented the answers to the two permanent letters in writing to the Assembly separately.  The Qadiani and Lahore groups not only presented their position in writing, but were also given the opportunity to present their position orally.  Mirza Nasir Ahmad's statement, questions and answers and cross-examination took place for 11 days from August 20 to August 24.  During these 11 days, Mirza Nasir was interrogated for 42 hours.  Mr. Sadruddin, their leader, appeared on behalf of the Lahore Party.  His statement was made on 27th and 28th August and he was interrogated for 7 hours. Since Sadruddin was very old and could not hear well, his statement was made through Mian Abdul Manan Omar.

 The then Attorney General Yahya Bakhtiar was appointed to cross-examine and question the witnesses. He assisted the entire National Assembly in this regard and fulfilled his responsibility with great diligence.  Members of the National Assembly would write their questions to the Attorney General and he would ask questions. In this regard, Mufti Mahmood, Maulana Zafar Ahmad Ansari and others assisted the Attorney General.

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 Finally, after much deliberation, statements and deliberations, this special committee of the National Assembly submitted its report to the Prime Minister.  The Prime Minister had already set a date of September 7 for the decision, so the National Assembly met on September 7, in which the recommendations of the special committee were presented and a bill to amend the constitution was introduced.  The Law Minister gave a brief overview, followed by a speech by the late Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.  After the speech, the reading phase of the bill began and the Law Minister presented the bill before the House for approval, so that every member of the National Assembly could vote for or against it.  After the vote, the Speaker of the National Assembly announced at 5:52 a.m. that 130 votes had been cast in favor of the constitutional amendment declaring the Qadianis a non-Muslim minority, while not a single vote had been cast against it.  This constitutional amendment was passed by consensus in the Assembly.

 One thing to keep in mind is that it is loudly said that what is the right of a Parliament or the National Assembly to decide someone's Islam and Kufr, it is correct to say, but here the National Assembly declared them Kafir.  No one can judge one's disbelief and Islam. Islam and disbelief is decided on the basis of one's ideas and beliefs whether one believes in the accepted principles and basic beliefs of Islam or not. Qadiani and  Since Mirzai denies the end of prophethood of the Holy Prophet, he is not a Muslim, because the belief in the end of prophethood is one of the basic tenets of "Islam".  The doctrine of the end of prophethood is such a strong and immortal doctrine that numerous verses of the Holy Qur'an and successive hadiths of the Holy Prophet (sws) express this doctrine. The first consensus of the ummah was on this doctrine.  That is why from the first day till today the Muslim Ummah has never been a victim of two opinions in it. 

When Mirza Ghulam Ahmad pretended to be a false prophet, the scholars of the ummah followed him from that time onwards, exposing his disbelief to the ummah.  A representative meeting of all schools of thought to consider the 1953 constitution.  In it, too, the ulema proposed an amendment to the constitution, declaring the Qadianis a non-Muslim minority and setting aside a seat in the assembly for them.  Representatives of 9 organizations participated. They also unanimously passed a resolution declaring the Qadianis as infidels. In a way, this was the consensus of the entire Muslim Ummah. Many courts have ruled that the Qadianis are infidels.

 Qadianis were expelled from Islam from the very first day of their existence on the basis of their beliefs and ideologies. The National Assembly did not declare them as infidels.  That they are a minority like other non-Muslim minorities. Today they are making noise about how we can recognize the constitution in which we have been denied, this is completely wrong.  This constitution has given them a status, recognized their existence, because before this amendment they did not have any existence of their own, they were not included in the Muslims or other minorities.  The constitution not only recognizes their existence by defining their status, but also gives them constitutional rights to live in the country as a non-Muslim minority.  Like other minorities, the government will be responsible for protecting their lives and property. They can practice their religion as a non-Muslim minority, contest elections as a non-Muslim minority, and be part of the assembly like other minorities.  Yes, the constitution gives them all these rights, provided they recognize the constitution.

 In spite of all this, the followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Mirzais and the Qadianis, following a self-made new prophet, following a new prophethood and a new religion, have separated their way from themselves and from the Muslims, because a new prophet  Assuming that they themselves have become a separate nation from the Muslims, and a new ummah. Because the followers of every prophet are his ummah, the ummah changes with the change of the prophet, this is a logical principle and a natural requirement.

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Today, there are two other nations on this earth besides the Muslims who believe in the heavenly religion and the Prophet, one is the Jews who believe in Moses, the other is the Christians who believe in Jesus and the Muslims believe in the Holy Prophet.  Believe it or not, these three are religiously separate nations. None of them is ready to unite with another nation and ummah and count them among their own nation and ummah.  Muslims are not counted with them because Christians believe in Jesus (pbuh) in addition to Prophet Moses (pbuh) and Muslims also believe in Jesus (pbuh) and the government of the two worlds along with Prophet Moses (pbuh).  In the same way, Christians are not ready to tell Muslims their share and count with them, because Muslims believe in Jesus as well as the Holy Prophet. Similarly, Christians are not ready to include Jews with them, why?  That they do not believe in Jesus and Muslims are not willing to include Jews and Christians with them, because they do not believe in Jesus.  And the whole world recognizes that Jews, Christians and Muslims are separate nations because they believe in their own prophet. No one calls a Jew a Christian or a Muslim, nor does a Christian recognize a Jew or a Muslim.  It was found out that the followers of each prophet are a separate nation and ummah and the ummah changes with the belief of a new prophet.

 Let no one think that many prophets came after Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) and before Jesus (peace be upon him), all of them were Jews.  First of all, it is not Muslim that all of them were called Jews, while many of them did not bring their own separate religion and law, but first carried forward the call of the Prophet, secondly, the logical principle stated above  This is the time when the new ummah is accepted as a prophet by the previous ummah and the nation. If the religion has not changed, then the ummah has not changed. But if the people of the first ummah do not accept the new prophet and his religion, then of course.  The Ummah will change. The problem of the Qadianis is that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed prophethood, his followers accepted him as a prophet while the entire Muslim Ummah not only accepted him, but rejected him and confused him.  The Qadianis are not part of the Muslim Ummah, because they believe in a new prophet with the Holy Prophet and the Muslims are a separate ummah and nation from the Qadianis, because if they do not consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a prophet, then the Muslims and the Qadianis are religiously separate.  The nation and the ummah came into being and neither of them is a part of the other.  Those who believe in the last book of Allah and deny any new prophet are separate nations and ummahs and those who believe in Mirza are separate nations.

Now the controversy is who will use the word Islam and Muslim.  The government believes in two scholars or Mirza.  It is clear to the whole world that those who believe in the Holy Qur'an have been using the word Islam for fourteen hundred years.  Allah Almighty has named him Muslim in the Holy Qur'an.  His religion is called Islam.  He not only named it but also called it his favorite religion.  People all over the world have come to consider and call these people Muslims. The word Islam and Muslim is their identity.  Whether they are Jews, Christians, Hindus, Parsis, Buddhists, liberals, seculars or people of any religion or nation.  They interpret their religion as Islam. Now those whose existence is only close to one hundred and fifty years.  Let them steal the identity of these Muslims.  No law, no custom, no society, no morality will allow them to commit robbery in their name.

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 The demand of the Muslim Ummah is that when the Qadianis are separate from the Muslims in every respect, they themselves have to admit it, then they should stop using the name of Islam and Muslims and not use the name of Islam and Muslims to rob the identity of Muslims.  Take away their rights, but when your religion is separated, everything of yours is separated from Muslims, keep your name separate.  Surprisingly, in spite of such a clear and unambiguous issue, no one asks the Qadianis why you are using the name of Islam to rob the religion and rights of Muslims.  On the contrary, only Muslims are blamed. It is beyond comprehension that Muslims are asked why you call Mirzais infidels, no one asks them why you call billions of Muslims infidels, only infidels.  No, hellish, illegitimate child and don't know what superstitions you are selling.

The short story is that the Qadianis are a separate nation from the Muslims, their views are telling the same thing. This is also their confession.  Accordingly, the National Assembly amended the constitution to include them as non-Muslim minorities, which is a matter of justice.  Ever since this law was enacted, efforts have been made to either repeal this law or amend it in such a way that it ceases to be useful.  On the occasion of 9th September, the entire Muslim Ummah, especially the Pakistani nation, should pledge that we will not allow any change in this law, let alone change it.  For this, the entire nation has to be vigilant and vigilant at all times so that no one can penetrate it through the back door.  May Allah protect the end of Prophethood and accept us to protect the honor and dignity of the two worlds. (Amen)


Unknown said…
ماشااللہ اللہ تعالی مزید برکتیں عطا فرمائے آمین

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